3rd International Symposium on Hypersonic Flight

Air Force Academy – 30 & 31 May 2019

Via San Gennaro Agnano, 30 – 80122 Pozzuoli (NA)




Gen. Isp. C. (r ) P. Finocchio AAA PN AAA CESMA Welcome Speech Presentation
Gen. BA (r ) G. Cornacchia AAA Sez. RM2 Sez RM2 Welcome speech Presentation
Gen. BA E. Degni Academy Manager Hdemia Welcome Speech
Dott.ssa M. Moccia Di Fraia Ass. Comune Pozzuoli Comune Pozzuoli Welcome Speech Video
Prof. L. Carrino Pres. DAC DAC Welcome Speech Video
Gen. BA (r ) G. Cornacchia AAA Sez. RM2 Symposium Chairman: Opening Remarks Video
Gen. SA G. Candotti CSMA Rep. Key Note Address Video
Ing. G. Russo DAC Chairman: Enabling Technologies: Aerodynamics and aerothermodynamics
Ing. M. Marini CIRA Aerodynamic, Aerothermodynamic and Propulsive Characteristics of the STRATOFLY Vehicle Presentation
Prof.ssa N. V. Voevodenko TsAGI
(Russian Federation)
Compliance of Modern Methods of Numerical Simulation of High-Speed Flows with Real Physical Phenomena. Validation of Numerical Methods Presentation
Prof. G. Pascazio PoliTec Bari Enhanced Theoretical Models and Numerical Methods for Hypersonic Flows Presentation
Prof. F. De Vivo PoliTec Torino Flight Dynamic Analysis of a Small Hypersonic Plane Presentation
Prof. D. Bianchi Univ. La Sapienza Chairman: Advanced propulsion systems, high-temperature materials, hot structures and thermal protection systems
Prof. G. Cao Univ. Cagliari Combination of SHS and SPS Processing Routes to Obtain Advanced Ceramics and Related Characterization in Hyperthermal Environments Video
Prof. D. Pavarin Univ. Padova Hybrid rocket systems for advanced low-cost hypersonic flight test platforms Presentation
Ing. R. Scigliano CIRA Structural and Thermal Loads for Hypersonic HEXAFLY-INT Vehicle Presentation
Prf. M. Ferlauto PoliTec Torino A Framwork for the Aerodynamic and Thermal Design of Highly Integrated Hypersonic Propulsion Systems Presentation
Prof. D. Pavarin Univ. Padova Chairman: Overview of national, European and International programs
Ing. S. Di Benedetto CIRA Multidisciplinary Design and Flight Test of the HEXAFLY-INT Experimental Flight Vehicle Presentation
Prof.ssa N. Viola PoliTec Torino Main Challenges and Goals of the H2020 STRATOFLY Project Presentation
Ing. G. Russo DAC Hypersonic Bizjet: A Multi-mission Technology Demonstrator Presentation
Prof. A. Paull Univ. of Queensland
The HyShot HyCAUSE and HIFiRE Flight Programs: From the Ground to Flight Presentation
Eng. J. Van den Eynde ESA/ESTEC ESA’s Flight Vehicles & Aerothermodynamics Engineering Section, Activities and an Overview of Hypersonic Projects and Technologies Presentation
Gen. BA (r ) G. Cornacchia AAA Sez. RM2 Chairman: National and international norms and regulations, applicable airspace control and management, ground facilities and test techniques
Magg. F. Monaci RSV/GIAS Suborbital Flights and Spaceports Presentation
Col. M. Lucertini RSV/RMAS Potential Aeromedical Implications Associated to Hypersonic Flight Presentation
Tcol. F. Soldani Air Force SMA Italian Air Force, Space and Aerospace Approach, Presentation
Prof. Pezzella Univ. Campania Vanvitelli Overview of research activities on Hypersonic Vehicles Presentation
Ing. G. Di Antonio ENAC The Foundations of the National Regulatory Framework for the Commercial Suborbital Transportation
Ing. B. Racoli ENAV New Airspace Users: ATM Introductory Considerations Presentation
Prof. S. Kartenhäuser DLR NearSpace Traffic Management – A Concept to Accommodate Hypersonic Flights Presentation
Gen. Isp. C. (a ) F. Langella AAA Sez. RM2 Chairman: Student Awards Video
Ing. M. Marini CIRA STRATOFLY Academy: Inspire Young Generations and Be Inspired by New Ideas Presentation
Mr. C. Coletta Ist. Righi Napoli Il Volo Ipersonico Presentation
Sten. L. Nardi & Sten. F.M. Riboli Air Force Academy Hypersonic Missiles: New Challenges to Global Security Presentation
Dott. G. Alegi Journalist Chairman: Round table: Promoting synergies and cooperation: nationally, internationally Video
Ing. M. Marini CIRA Partecipante
Ing. G. Russo DAC Partecipante
Prof.ssa N. Voevodenko TsAGI Partecipante
Prof. A. Paull Univ. of Queensland Partecipante
Tcol. F. Soldani Air Force SMA Partecipante
Dott. V. Argento RAI Journalist Chairman: Round table: Potential impact of the development of hypersonic vehicles and weapons on international security at the global as well as regional level Video
Gen. SA (r ) V. Camporini Former CSMD Partecipante
Gen. SA (a ) P. Preziosa Former CSMA Partecipante
Ing. M. Frigoli Indipendent Research Partecipante
Gen. BA (r ) G. Cornacchia AAA Sez. RM2 Symposium Chairman: Closing Remarks